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Dog Outreach

Dog Outreach

A.S.K. inspires improved caretaking standards & strengthening of the human-animal bond through distribution of free relief supplies to underserved families and their dogs in Calhoun County, Michigan.  We prioritize outreach in the cities of Battle Creek and Albion.
Reaching dogs that are 24/7 outside is our passion, and A.S.K. accomplishes this by driving city streets searching for dogs forced to call a doghouse “home.”  90% of our cases are found through this proactive, direct-outreach approach– most are not reported. Our non-judgemental engagement meets guardians where they are to provide them with the resources they need.
A.S.K.’s outreach van is a mobile relief unit packed with seasonal essentials like dog houses to replace dilapidated shelters, straw bales to properly insulate dogs’ houses, and hundreds of pounds of dog food.  We provide comfortable collars to replace choke and/or pinch collars and illegally wrapped log chains. Short, heavy chains are replaced with light-weight cable tie-outs.  Our van is filled with treats, chews and toys to alleviate boredom and brighten lives.  We also carry preventative parasite medications. All of these in-kind items leave dogs in a better state than we found them in.
Free positive training advice, spay/neuter offers and even fence builds are offered on a case by case basis to clients who are ready to take their caretaking standards to the next level. And most importantly, A.S.K. is there to help, no matter how long it takes while offering every single resource for free!

Help Us Help Outside Dogs

All relief supplies and vet care services are made available thanks to generous donations. All products are purchased at regular rates; nothing is free unless you donate it!

  • one bale of straw to keep a dog insulated for 2 weeks
  • Bag of chews
  • Two prescription intestinal parasite treatments to achieve a state of good health
  • 20ft cable tie-out
  • A tank of gas to keep the outreach van rolling
  • Pack the van full of straw
  • 48’’ dog crate to help train dogs transitioning into inside lives
  • Female dog spay to prevent the birth/deaths of hundreds of future dogs
  • Male dog neuter
  • Large Petmate Igloo doghouse for “pitbull”-type dogs and Shepherds
  • XL Petmate Igloo doghouse for Rottweilers, Mastiffs and large breed dogs
Pet Food Support
A.S.K. operates the only free, straight-to-doorsteps companion animal food bank in Calhoun County and beyond. No companion should have to face hunger due to unexpected hardship or financial struggles faced by their caretakers. Many of A.S.K.’s clients live at or below the poverty level with multiple animals. Instead of insisting that human bonds be severed and animals sent to already over-crowded shelters and rescues, A.S.K. enables the family to keep their companion in a state of good health through family hardships,
Dog food is also distributed to locations where our street team volunteers see the need for bodyweight improvement. Some of the most severely in-need dogs do not have guardians willing to ask for help. That’s what makes our direct-outreach services so fundamental–we see a family struggling and provide help on the spot, removing all barriers to them receiving assistance.
A.S.K. is always looking for more corporate donors willing to donate large quantities of companion food and treats

Spay-It Forward

Accidental or intentional backyard- and basement-breeding of dogs places an additional burden on families already struggling to feed their companion animals. And many of these– as well as other, otherwise healthy dogs are still euthanized in our community due to lack of shelter space and poor adoption rates.
The most straightforward response to addressing homelessness and shelter overcrowding is FREE spay/neuter to high-risk, 24/7 outside dogs. A.S.K.’s free spay/neuter service is the only of its kind in Calhoun County and on-the-street offers are made directly to clients with dogs being backyard bred either intentionally or “accidentally.” Our typical client doesn’t want to get their dog fixed until they’ve met A.S.K. This community service is funded 100% by generous donations from the general public.
Last Resort Rescue
It’s a “last resort” rescue if a dog’s guardian is unwilling to reform their caretaking standard, or has a legitimate barrier to transitioning their dog inside. Emergency rescue services are also conducted for dogs found in life-threatening condition. Our dog outreach isn’t about traditional dog rescue–it’s instead about guardian retention unless there is an extenuating circumstance making it critical to remove the dog.

Adopt a Dog

A.S.K.’s dogs are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and parasite-free prior to adoption. Adoption fees help offset the costs of vet care. A.S.K.’s adoption process involves the following steps:

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